Institute for Animal Husbandry

General Information

Funding type:
Type of organization:
Research Institute
Autoput za Zagreb 16
Additional Comments:
IAH is a scientific research institution specializing in the field of animal production and feed. The main activity of IAH is research work in the field of bio-technical sciences in order to improve production and products of all species of farm animals, as well as conservation of farm animal genetic resources. In addition to the genetic potential of farmed animals, the most important condition for raising the competitiveness of livestock production is the provision of sufficient quantities of quality bulk fodder in the field production system. The main task of feed science research is providing healthy and high-quality components that are included in feed mixtures and finished mixtures without contaminants that can cause harmful consequences in the production food/feed chain. Research and the results obtained in the field of animal genetics, selection, breeding, physiology, reproduction, nutrition, feed and food science and technology processing usually are “transformed” into new technologies, of which many have been accepted and applied in practice. To achieve these goals the team work is employed by scientific departments (Department of Cattle Breeding and Genetics, Department of Sheep and Goat Breeding and Genetics, Department of Pig Breeding and Genetics, Department of Poultry Science, Department of Feed Science and Department of Animal Source Foods Science and Technology), accredited Laboratory of Chemistry and Microbiology, Laboratory of Meat and Egg Quality, Laboratory of Mycotoxicological Testing, Laboratory of Molecular Genetics.


Behaviour & Welfare

Animal Health

Body Composition

Breeding & Genetics

Carcass & Meat Quality

Environment Impact

Field Experiments

Feed & Feed Tehnologies

Housing & System Trials

Performance Trials

Physiological Studies

Type of facility and capacity

Feed mill

2000 tone(s) per year

Gestating sows

250 no of sows

Growing-finishing pigs

5000 no of pigs


2500 pig(s) per year

Weaning pigs

5200 no of pigs

Farrowing pigs

44 no of pigs

Additional information

• IAH is research institute with Experimental centre – unique in Serbia, “outdoor laboratory” that provides research and development in production of healthy, biologically high-value food from the farm/land (250 acres) through farming/rearing of farm animals (6 experimental farms for research in cattle, swine, sheep, poultry production) and Experimental slaughterhouse to the finished product on our tables. • IAH dispose with Experimental slaughterhouse – production of fresh meat and meat products). Investigations are in progress in the area of ecology and good agricultural practices, protection of indigenous breeds of livestock, production of functional foods, genomics and other current topics. • IAH dispose with facilities for chemical, microbiological and molecular analyses and field experiments. Laboratory equipment include thermocycler, centrifuges, vortex, shakers, laminars, UV-transilluminator, electrophoresis system, Elisa reader, gas chromatograph, spectrophotometers, analytical mills, incubators, autoclaves, laminar, microscopes, refrigerates and agricultural mechanization. • Laboratory for chemical and microbiological analyses of IAH is accredited since 2001 by ATS (formerly JUAT), according to standard ISO / IEC 17025:2006 (decisions 01-05/2001 and 01-007 of 17.10.2003, 22.12.2006., 17.11.2010. and 5.11.2014.). Every year the Laboratory has successfully maintained accreditation, additional equipment is purchased and new analyses introduced. • Laboratory analyses are comprised of chemical, physical, chemical and microbiological tests of meat, meat products, plants and feeds. Analyses are performed for various purposes such as scientific research, inspection services, farms and feed mills. All laboratory analyses are carried out in accordance with international standards and regulations. The capacity of the pig farm is 250 sows and now we have 85 sows on the farm.