Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology

General Information

Funding type:
Type of organization:
Research Institute
Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2
Additional Comments:
For metabolic studies the pig facility integrates air-conditioned rooms with temperature control and provides places for nutrition and metabolic studies for 12 pigs. The room can host individual pens or metabolic cages for pigs of different bodyweights from 15 up to 100 kg. A open-circuit indirect calorimetry system is intregrated consisting of four respiration chambers for fattening pigs and sows. Based on gas exchange measurements (O2,CO2), energy expenditure and nutrient oxidation is quantified. Measurements of NH3 concentrations to assess nitrogen metabolism and efficiency is possible.


Behaviour & Welfare

Animal Health

Body Composition

Breeding & Genetics

Carcass & Meat Quality

Environment Impact

Housing & System Trials

Performance Trials

Physiological Studies

Type of facility and capacity

Gestating sows

104 no of sows

Growing-finishing pigs

420 no of pigs

Lactating sows and piglets

38 no of sows


1 pig(s) per year

Weaning pigs

368 no of pigs

Additional information

The experimental pig farm of FBN keeps German Landrace and Angler Saddleback pigs with conventional or organic housing. Weighing troughs for fattening pigs, an automatic feeding system for sows to measure individual feed intake, an air-conditioning system, outdoor space, silos for seven different types of feed and a central mixing and distribution unit are all present at the facility. For metabolic studies the pig facility integrates air-conditioned rooms with temperature control and provides places for nutrition and metabolic studies for 12 pigs. The room can host individual pens or metabolic cages for pigs of different bodyweights from 15 up to 100 kg. A open-circuit indirect calorimetry system is intregrated consisting of four respiration chambers for fattening pigs and sows. Based on gas exchange measurements (O2,CO2), energy expenditure and nutrient oxidation is quantified. Measurements of NH3 concentrations to assess nitrogen metabolism and efficiency is possible.